Part Number Lookup

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Industry Part Number Marmon A&D Part Number Military Part Number

Search tool for Marmon Aerospace & Defense part numbers equivalent to common industry aerospace wire and cable products, example:

Disclaimer: Marmon Aerospace & Defense does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy of this cross-reference and errors could occur. The user is responsible for verifying the validity of the results.

NOTE: Numbers at the ends of the part numbers are color codes. Because of the wide range of possible combinations, non-standard color codes are not covered. Marmon Aerospace & Defense recommends the use of colors in the part number, if no results are returned then omit the color designator. This will provide the closest possible match, except for color.

Example: 44A1121-20-9/96-9 for white or 44A1121-20 for non-standard colors.

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Marmon Aerospace & Defense, LLC Headquarters
680 Hayward Street
Manchester, NH  03103
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Marmon Aerospace & Defense, LLC Naples
2584 South Horseshoe Drive
Naples, FL 34104
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