Silicone Cable - Low Smoke Zero Halogen

NEMA HP6 Cable

Military Grade Cable Conductor: Soft Annealed Tin Plated Copper, Stranded
Operating Temperature: 150°C
Operating Voltage: 600 Volts and 1000 Volts
Insulation: Extruded Layer of Silicone Insulation

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This insulation material is unusual in the unique balance of properties it provides. It meets the US Navy requirements for smoke, toxicity, acid gas and halogen content. It is durable and highly flexible. It is also inherently flame resistant and can be used for high temperature applications.

Cable Specifications

Conductor Conductor
Size Stranding Material
AWG mm2 Ω/kft Ω/km Inch mm lbs/kft kg/km
Type ZHS, 600 Volts  
HP6ZHS-HGE-X 20 .62 19/32 TC 9.88 32.4 .072 1.83 4.98 7.41
HP6ZHS-HHE-X 18 .96 19/30 6.23 20.4 .082 2.08 7.27 10.82
HP6ZHS-HJE-X 16 1.23 19/29 4.81 15.8 .091 2.31 9.31 13.86
HP6ZHS-HKH-X 14 2.08 41/30 2.94 9.65 .122 3.10 18.82 28.01
HP6ZHS-HLJ-X 12 3.29 65/30 1.85 6.07 .141 3.58 25.42 37.83
HP6ZHS-HMK-X 10 5.32 105/30 1.15 3.77 .166 4.22 34.49 51.33
Type ZHSS, 1000 Volts  
HP6ZHSS-HHE-X 18 .96 19/30 TC 6.23 20.4 .115 2.92 10.1 15.1
HP6ZHSS-HJE-X 16 1.23 19/29 4.81 15.8 .124 3.15 12.0 17.9
HP6ZHSS-HKH-X 14 2.08 41/30 2.94 9.65 .171 4.34 25.2 37.5
HP6ZHSS-HLJ-X 12 3.29 65/30 1.85 6.07 .190 4.83 32.2 47.9
HP6ZHSS-HMK-X 10 5.32 105/30 1.15 3.77 .210 5.33 41.8 62.2
HP6ZHSS-HNM-X 8 8.51 168/30 .708 2.32 .307 7.80 78.3 117
HP6ZHSS-HPN-X 6 13.5 259/30 .466 1.53 .351 8.92 114 170
HP6ZHSS-HRO-X 4 21.3 420/30 .299 .981 .407 10.3 168 250
HP6ZHSS-HSP-X 2 34.0 665/30 .183 .600 .473 12.0 260 387
HP6ZHSS-HTR-X 1 41.0 817/30 .149 .489 .550 14.0 320 476
HP6ZHSS-HUS-X 1/0 53.0 1045/30 .116 .381 .596 15.1 402 598
HP6ZHSS-HWT-X 2/0 67.0 1330/30 .091 .299 .649 16.5 502 747
HP6ZHSS-HYV-X 3/0 85.0 1672/30 .071 .233 .725 18.4 624 929
HP6ZHSS-HZW-X 4/0 107 2109/30 .056 .184 .773 19.6 779 1159
HP6ZHSS-HVX-X 250 168 2449/30 .046 .151 .880 22.4 903 1344
HP6ZHSS-HXY-X 350 235 3458/30 .033 .108 .940 23.9 1240 1845
HP6ZHSS-HQZ-X 400 269 3990/30 .028 .092 1.025 26.0 1430 2128

All products are manufactured to meet RoHS compliance. For exceptions, please contact our sales department at 1-866-303-9473.

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Military & Mil Spec

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